A Homily for the Celebration of the Life of Linda Johnson

A homily preached at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, California on the occasion of the Celebration of the Life of Linda Johnson

I am so grateful for the wonderful biography included in the front of the bulletin. It paints a picture of Linda for me; a picture of a truly loving and loved person, and a picture of a life so well-lived. Even more than that, though — I get a true sense of Linda’s spirit from you. All of you gathered here. It is so clear how much Linda meant to you. I can feel it. It is so clear how special she was.

I will let those who knew Linda best speak about the essential mark on this world she has made and her memory will continue to make, but I want to say one important thing to you first. It’s an answer to a question I’m often asked: Is she okay? And my answer is oh yes, she is okay. She is more than okay. She is held close in God’s loving presence.

That is the sure and certain hope of eternal life we hold here.

I know that this assurance does not and should not change the deep pain – the grief and sorrow — this separation brings. And, no matter what your belief system may be, my hope for you is that you continue to feel Linda’s presence as you walk your paths in life. Maybe you feel her presence right now. Maybe she will come to you in unexpected moments.

And in those moments, I pray that you feel some comfort within that sorrow, knowing that her love, wrapped up in God’s love, is with you.

Kathleen Moore